Bela Token

Decentralized Finance (BSC) Platform

Income insinuates cash an individual or business component will offer a help or when making a hypothesis. Simple income and waiting compensation are two classes of pay. Though these terms are routinely used proportionally, they are on an extremely fundamental level special. While remaining compensation may be unapproachable, robotized income isn’t for the most part extra. Robotized income is cash gained from an endeavor that has close to zero advancing effort included.

Passive income is gained with practically no effort, and individuals and associations regularly make it reliably, similar to a theory or appropriated advancing. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) remembers it from got pay as money gained from a component with which you have no quick commitment.

If an individual’s robotized income is enough enormous, it can save their chance to do various things other than work. Besides, disregarding the way that it very well may be risky while setting up the framework for simple income, it moreover offers growing degrees of money related security. If it gives steady pay, mechanized income can give enormous security since it’s not related with your time. If it’s inadequate to stop your typical regular business, it’s at this point ideal to have an additional compensation source to improve what you obtain from working. You may even have a predominant individual fulfillment by moving a more prominent measure of your yearly compensation to a dormant source, especially if you have a huge load of commitment or a ward turns out to be sick.

Binance Smart Chain is a free blockchain that runs couple with the Binance Chain. In light of Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain’s similitude with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) joined with the extraordinary wise arrangement handiness makes it an incredibly versatile blockchain with high throughput.


Bela is a deflationary, auto-mining token on Binance Smart Chain that rewards its holders. Every time there is a transaction on the Bela platform, whether it’s buying or sell the token holders will reward them instantly to their wallets. But not only that, Bela also provides several other features such as lending/borrowing, liquidity pools, and farms from popular farming pools directly from the user-friendly dashboard.

One of the platforms that adopt the Binance Smart Chain is Bela, this is a deflationary, auto-mining token on Binance Smart Chain that allows users to get rewards just by holding Bela tokens. As token holders, users will get access to the Bela ecosystem and earn passive liquid income for every transaction on the Bela platform.

Why Hold Bela Token?

Hold the Bela token in your wallet in order to earn more, and generate income from transaction fees. Each transaction such as a buy, sell will reward you instantly in your wallet.

1. Rewarding Holders

Each transaction is taxed 5%, of that 3% is distributed among holders and 2% is burned and removed from the supply.

2. Fair Distribution

The income fees you receive in your wallet will be calculated based on the number of Bela tokens you hold in your wallet compared to other holders, this increases your earning power!

3. Incentivised Structure

With a strong combination of supply burning, transaction taxes, and rewarding of Bela token holders via smart contracts, Bela is set to generate long term gains.

4. Decentralised Contracts

All Bela token rewards managed and executed by smart contracts that award income fees to holders automatically and securely.


Lending & Borrowing

Borrow crypto by using your Bela tokens as collateral and earn transaction fees at the same time!

Bela Charts

Next-Gen rich feature DEX charts will be launched and integrated within the Bela platform.

Liquidity Pools & Farms

Earn a consistent stream of income from other popular farming pools directly from the Bela user dashboard.

Bela Analytics

Track your Bela token income and other Defi/crypto data metrics from one simple dashboard.

Simply hold the Bela tokens in your wallet to earn more income from transaction fees.


Bela is a deflationary token, meaning the supply is consistently reducing as transactions are processed by the blockchain. Learn more below.

  • 5% Tax per transaction
  • 3% Distribution Among Holders
  • 2% Burn and Supply Removal
  • Fees Distributed in Realtime
  • Taxes on Buy & Sells
  • 1 Quadrillion Deflationary Supply


Learn more about Bela’s Future

April 2021


Bela Token Launched

April 2021

In Progress

Pre-Sale (ILO) on Unicrypt

Bela token ILO pre-sale will go live on Unicrypt with unsold tokens being burned by Smart Contract.

May 2021

In Progress

Lisitng on Pancakeswap

Instant listing on Pancakeswap immediately after listing.

May 2021

In Progress

Audit Bela Smart Contracts

We will engage up to two smart contract auditors to audit our smart contracts immediately after pre-sale.

May 2021

In Progress

1,000 Bela Token Holders

Reach the first 1,000 holding addresses on the Binance smart chain.

June 2021

In Progress

CoinGecko & CMC Listing

List Bela token on CMC and CoinGecko.

June 2021

In Progress

First Exchange Lisitng

We will list on a top 30 CEX exchange.

July 2021

In Progress

Platform initial feature release

We will release the first feature in the Bela dashbaord for Beta users (Token holders)


Bela token is here as a token that will provide passive income for token holders. By only holding Bela tokens in their wallets, holders will get rewards in the form of tokens that will be sent directly to their wallets. Not only that, users can easily access various other features such as lend/borrow, charts, analysis, liquidity, and farms through a user-friendly dashboard.

Author: Foto lama

My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1957113

BSC Wallet Address: 0xf5cb6D3A257EE23E7Db6422aA5BE6094cDe97BE8

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